Cutetitos Babitos are adorable, stuffed animals ready to be unrolled and discovered. Safely sleeping in their eye-catching drinks cup mystery packaging, Cutetitos are 9.5cm animals wrapped in soft, plush carnival theme blankets.
Each comes with a pet collector card that includes detailed information including its species, name, birthday and favourite quotito! To find out if each Cutetito's personality is sweet (common), soo sweet (common), extra sweet (rare) or super sweet (super rare), just check out its 'Sweet Spot'. It also includes a surprise gender reveal nappy.
Styles to collect: Lemmito (Crabito, Boy, So Sweet), Fizzito (Mousito, Boy, Sweet), Prancito (Ponyito, Boy, Sweet), Bubblito (Cheetahito, Girl, Sweet), Meltito (Narwhalito, Boy, So Sweet), Wingito (Pegasusito, Girl, So Sweet), Applito (Ladybugito, Girl, Extra Sweet), Clownito (Bearito, Boy, Extra Sweet), Twinklito (Unicornito, Boy, Super Sweet) and Tropicalito (Toucanito, Girl, Super Sweet)